Annual Fund
Make a gift to the Annual Fund by selecting the fund you would like to support below.
The Annual Fund is a collective gift from the community to fill the gap between the State and Federal funds received and the annual operating budget of the Aspen and Carbondale Community Schools.
The Annual Fund allows the community schools to keep class sizes small while maintaining the high quality of our successful program. Gifts from parents, grandparents, alumni families, faculty, staff, and friends directly impact the current year’s operating budget and provide crucial financial support to our school. The Annual Fund is a philanthropic opportunity to make an impact today that directly supports the people and programs that make the Community Schools a unique and unparalleled educational experience.
2024/2025 Annual FundĀ Supporters
* Supports the Annual Fund at both ACS and CCS.
Rebecca and John Adams |
Anna and Louis Allenbach |
Allie and Jesse Amory * |
Annie and Barry Anderson |
Kellee McConnell Anderson and Aaron Anderson |
Joanne and Fred Anderson |
Anonymous * |
Anna and Peter Arlein |
Melanie and Bobby Armes |
John Bailey |
Michelle and Mike Bassi |
Amber and Stephan Bate |
Jean Bate |
Mary and Oscar Bate |
Danica and Romeo Baylosis |
Zeno Beattie |
Jeanne and Steve Beckley |
Carol and Lynn Beiswanger |
Ella Bennett |
Janie and John Bennett |
Trevi and Jeremy Bennett |
Nora Berko and Howie Mallory |
Wendy Bertolet and Jason LaPoint |
Laura Beverage and Dan McClain |
Kristin Bielema |
Adrian Bradley and Bart Axelman * |
Nana Breslin and Henry |
Barbara and Tony Brevetti |
Linda and Jeffrey Brown |
Anne and Don Brunson |
Lee and Keith Bryant |
Ellen and Robert Buck |
Mardell and Craton Burkholder |
Mallory Butler |
Nic Caiano |
Kay and John Callison |
Carol Anne and Andy Carl |
Amy and Tom Carr |
Jess and Nick Chimerakis |
Aimee and Ants Cullwick * |
Karen and Steve Culver |
Dana and Brian Dalla Betta |
Caty Dalton |
Shinta Damayanti and Ketut Siladarmawan |
Diane Doolittle |
Mary and Bill Dorais |
Talya Dornbush and Shane Lieberman |
Kathryn and William Drury |
Cheri and David Duininck |
Sally Faison |
Cathie and Davis Farrar * |
Hilary Forsyth |
Aminah and Vincent Franze |
Anthony Franze |
Amber and Ted Frisbie |
Christy & Nathan Garfield |
Molly and Andy Gaylord |
Wheatie and Bob Gibb |
Kara and Adam Gilbert |
Ashley Gilroy |
Becky and Alex Gooding |
Nancy Gooding |
Dale Goodman |
Hilary Gross |
Molly Haberman and Andrew Wasilawski * |
Virginia Haberman |
Daryl and Bill Hahn |
Ellie and Mike Hahn * |
Kathy and Terry Hall |
Lindsay and Chris Halsey |
Ana and David Halverson |
Charles Hanke |
Max Hanks |
Brian Hanlen |
Lindsay and Lynn Harris |
Michael Hayes and Sydney Schalit * |
Vel and Pat Henry |
Catalina Hernandez |
Laura and Robert Hughes |
Betsy and John Hunt |
Breckie and Matthew Hunt |
Colleen and Alex Irvin |
Genevieve Jeffries |
Gabriela Jiminez and Ramon Bencomo |
Deb Jones and John Katzenberger |
Jennifer and Matt Jones |
Sarah and Ben Kelly |
Jaclyn and Chris Keran |
Pamela and Greg Keran |
Polly Koenigsknecht |
Jeanne and Dirk Koorn |
Kelly and Jan Koorn |
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Kuhn |
Christina and Stuart LaCroix |
Yvonne Ladage |
Nick Lado * |
Karen and Edward Larkin |
Lily and Ryan Larkin |
Jonathan Lawson |
Lawson Family |
Satya Leidner |
Jen Leonard |
Bryan Long |
Maralynn Looney |
Judy and Steve Marcus |
Laurie and John McBride |
Corri McFadden and Spiridon Tsaparas |
Janet and Luke Miedema |
Kathleen and John Miller |
Patricia and Mike Mines |
Leiba and Mendel Mintz |
Genna and Jakob Moe |
John Francis Montoya Jr. |
Carolyn and Tom Moore |
River Morgan and Eden Vardy |
Susanne and Ric Morrison |
Lynn and Gary Moss |
Gigi Mottier |
Tara and Austin Nelson |
Meghan and Delvon Nemechek |
Ann Nichols |
Lynn Nichols and Jim Gilchrist * |
Anne and Matt Norrdin |
Clare and Bob Norrdin |
Susan and Bill O'Connor |
Aimee and John Oates |
Tanner Oates |
Alisa and Matthew Owens |
Pam and Dan Payne |
Patsy Pelaia |
Hensley and James Peterson |
Elizabeth Hanke Peterson and Kurt Peterson |
Chris and Rick Pfaffmann |
Garry and Lindsay Pfaffmann |
Barb Pitchford |
Yosefa and Craig Platt |
Carol and Edward Poirier |
Lizzy Price |
Missy and Steve Prudden * |
Kiki Raj and Chris Everson |
Anita Rayburn and Chris Tudge |
Shawna and Alex Reginelli |
Fran and Chris Reither |
Paula Rhodes |
Lisen and Todd Richmond |
Brenda & Jonathan Rivera |
Leslie and Russ Robinson |
Lindsay Yaw Rogers and Judd Rogers |
Debbie and Mike Romanus |
Margaret and Dwayne Romero * |
Margaret and Will Roush |
Jacquelyn and David Rummel |
Jennifer Sabella |
Lynda and Ron Sahnow |
Karla Santos and Jim D'Agostino |
Margo and Peter Savitz |
Wido Schaefer |
Monique and Vincent Schairer |
Sandra and Matt Shafer |
Andrea and Russell Shaffran |
Kandi and Stan Shaffran |
Mary Sheehan |
Maureen and Jack Shine |
Hillary and Scott Simon |
Skye Skinner and Bob Ward |
Eugene Smith |
Bradley Snyder |
Luke Stephenson |
Kathy and Dave Stout |
Lexi and Mark Stover |
Katrina Strecker and Dean Weiler |
Kateryna Sukhanenko and Anastasiya Starygina |
Cheryl and Brent Surowiec |
Emilie Tait-Jamieson and Zac Paris |
Andrea and Matt Talarico |
Harry Teague |
Elizabeth Tekus and Henry Roth |
Joseph Tekus |
Natasha and Boris Tenenbaum |
Judith and Michael Thompson |
Tina and Jon Thompson |
Lisa and Chad Thomson |
Kristin and Riley Tippet |
Katia Demchenko and Joseph Upton |
Nicole and Jason VandeBoom |
Debra Violette |
Kristina Weller |
Polly Whitcomb |
Casey and Joe White * |
Lara and Marc Whitley |
Jenny Williams |
Morgan Williams |
Sue and Jim Wright |
Kathy and Michael Yang |
Phyllis and Larry Yaw |
Anna and Edward Zane |
Contributions are recognized according to our fiscal and academic calendar year: July 1-June 30.
Giving Levels
The Annual Fund is the most important yearly fundraising effort at the Community Schools. We aim for 100% participation from the board of trustees, current families, and faculty and staff. Gifts to the Annual Fund are a direct investment in the education of every community school student. Because dollars from the Annual Fund are flexible and immediately available, your generosity can be put to good use right now, addressing current needs and having a real impact.
How much each family contributes is a personal decision. Gifts of all sizes matter and are appreciated, they make a difference to our students and the community. The only gift too small is no gift at all!
Leadership Levels | General Support |
$25,000 & Up — Visionaries | $1,000-$2,500 — Lifelong Learners |
$10,000-$24,999 — Innovators | $250-$999 — Advocates |
$5,000-$9,999 — Explorers | $100-$250 — Friends |
$2,500-$4,999 — Compass Leaders |
$25-$99 — Community Member |
If you are interested in learning about how you can get involved with philanthropy at COMPASS and the Community Schools, or for information about the Annual Fund, please contact: Ellie Hahn, Development Director, by email or telephone: 970-923-4646